Overcome the Biggest Hiring Obstacles


Hiring great employees is never an easy task, but there are a few obstacles that seem to perennially pose roadblocks for hiring managers and HR departments. You could spend valuable hours on a huge stack of applications, checking references, or doing damage control when the inevitable bad apple slips past you, but why should you, when relying on a recruiting firm can help you avoid the most time-consuming hiring obstacles altogether?

Dodging the Applications and Resumes Roadblock

Any hiring manager with a little experience knows that when it comes to taking applications, you either get far too many applicants with seemingly great qualifications or are inundated with applications from underqualified applicants. The problem is it takes considerable manpower to discern just which roadblock you’ve hit. Using a staffing firm for new hires can eliminate the hours spent reading through applications and resumes by prescreening job applicants, ensuring you get only the right ones.

Overcoming the References Challenge

If there’s one part of the hiring process most hiring managers wish they could simplify, it’s gathering references. Playing phone or email tag with multiple references for multiple applicants isn’t just time-consuming, it’s mind-boggling. Contracting with recruitment firms is the easiest way to make the references challenge a piece of cake. The staffing professionals you hire will work with you to winnow down the number of hours you spend on applicant references, freeing more of your busy day.

Chipping Away at Bad Hires

No hiring manager can deny that a bad hire slips past her from time to time. It’s understandable; you’re only human, and the job hiring process is so hectic that it’s easy for red flags to go unnoticed. But how can using a staffing firm reduce bad hires, if we’re all human? When recruitment is your business, you’re more familiar with separating the wheat from the chaff. And because staffing firms aren’t working under the tight deadlines that hiring managers must meet, they have more time to spend with potential hires.

Don’t let hiring become an obstacle course — call Staffing Partners’ recruitment specialists for more information about how hiring can become the least of your worries!How-can-we-help-youLearn-more-today

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