You rely on your staffing firm for your organization’s most important asset: your employees. So it only stands to reason that you want your relationship with the staffing experts you trust to be a good one. If you want to stand out as a star to your staffing firm, here are five ways to really shine:
Stay In Touch
Even if you don’t have a specific staffing need right now, keep in touch with your staffing firm, even if it’s only a short email or a card in the mail. When the time comes to fill staffing vacancies, you’ll still be at the front of the line for superstar candidates.
Keep Them In the Loop
The more specific you are about your organization’s staffing needs, the better your staffing firm can help you to fill those positions. That means keeping your staffing firm abreast of changes in job descriptions for positions they fill for your organization, changes to your organizational structure and any updates to your employment policies– all important considerations when filling employment vacancies.
Be Specific and Upfront
When it is time to fill staffing vacancies, give your staffing firm what they need to do the best job for you. Be specific about the position(s) and what you are looking for, about the experience and educational qualifications you’re seeking, and about any special considerations as far as scheduling or working conditions that may make filling the position(s) difficult. Don’t sugarcoat anything that will make the position difficult to fill. Be as upfront as possible about any challenges you foresee in finding the right candidate for the job.
Ask For Feedback — and Use It
Losing great temporary employees to competitors? Having trouble filling certain positions? Experiencing high absenteeism and turnover? Ask your staffing firm what you could be doing differently to retain and motivate employees. Staffing experts have a wealth of valuable experience dealing with organizations in your field — let their experience work for you. The happier their placements are in your organization, the happier your staffing firm is. And the happier you are, as well!
Appreciate Your Staffing Firm
Hopefully you make letting your staff and customers or clients know how much you appreciate them an integral part of your organization’s company culture. Don’t forget to thank your staffing firm. Let them know about great placements you’ve received and great performance from their employees, as well.
Whether you’re an old pro at working with staffing experts or just now dipping a toe in the waters, Staffing Partners wants to be your go-to staffing firm. Contact the recruiting professionals at Staffing Partners today to discover all the ways they can help you build a great team.