When it comes to getting a job after several months or longer of unemployment, your prospects can seem dim. Statistically speaking, the long-term unemployed are too often the pariahs of job seekers, dismissed by potential employers as unemployable or out of touch with today’s job culture. If you’ve been out of work for a long time, and are finding it hard to get your foot in the door with prospective employers, Staffing Partners’ staffing experts have some advice to help you reset your job search for success.
Schooling Your Job Skills
One of the biggest prejudices employers have against the long-term unemployed is a perception that they are lacking up-to-date skills. Keeping current on the skills necessary in your job field along with general technology skills can help combat this prejudice. Seek out continuing education opportunities in your field online and through your professional organization; free or low-cost options are often available for those who are out of work. For computer and other technology training, look to local adult education programs and community colleges.
Make Use of Downtime
Sure, you spend much of your day following up on job leads and submitting resumes and applications, but make time to volunteer. Volunteer organizations give you a two-fold opportunity to increase your chances of job-hunting success by keeping you gainfully occupied while also expanding your network of potential employers and co-workers. If your volunteer activities are closely linked to your job field, even better.
Retool Your Resume
If you’re still using the first resume you created upon losing your last job, it’s time to regroup. Look online for examples of creative and engaging resumes that help you make the most of the experience and education you have. Get professional — and free — help from local adult education or community action organizations offering resume workshops or resume help.
Go Temp
There’s no better way to get back into the job market than by letting a staffing firm do the hard work for you. Top staffing firms have access to job opportunities you may never see. Staffing firms can help put you in touch with employers who are looking to fill vacancies with great talent. Contact Staffing Partners today to see what open positions they have to offer in your field.