For many hiring managers or HR professionals, temporary employees are so ingrained into the corporate culture that they are almost invisible – there when you need them, easy to forget about the rest of the time. But if you don’t give your temps the same consideration you do your own hires, you’re missing a great opportunity to create ambassadors for your organization. When you have the best interests of your temps in mind, you can be sure they’ll have nothing but great things to say about your organization to potential employees and clients.
Make Them Feel Welcome
If you don’t incorporate your temps into your organization the way you do your own hires, you’re setting them up for failure from day one. Make sure that temporary employees get the same level of onboarding as your own hires if you want them to be the vital part of your organization they need to be in order to do their best work.
Be Inclusive
When it’s time for the departmental birthday parties, employee discount programs, organization holiday bonuses or gifts and all the rest of those perks you offer your own hires, it’s easy to forget your temporary employees, but it’s also a huge mistake. These perks are all ways you make your employees feel special and appreciated, and forgetting to include your temporary employees creates an “us-and-them” culture that erodes great performance.
Recognize Their Achievements
Speaking of appreciation, always let your temporary employees know how much you appreciate their efforts. Recognize their achievements and their hard work by offering them the same rewards you would your own hires, whether it’s the employee of the month award, paid educational opportunities, or first dibs on applying for job openings.
Start With the Best Temporary Employees
It’s easier to look out for the best interests of your temps if you know your temps are the best in the business. If you’ve been disappointed by the performance of your temporary employees in the past, maybe it’s time to look for another staffing agency to fill your temp staffing needs. Staffing Partners prides itself on having the best candidates for your industry, so when you want the highest-caliber temps, our Portland staffing professionals are ready to help.