In a perfect world, finding the best candidates to fill all your open positions would be easy. In the real world, it’s often a matter of careful sifting through applications and resumes, contacting references, and strategic interviewing – all time-consuming activities that can cut into the too-few hours in the day you need to fulfill the rest of your duties. That’s where working with a great staffing firm can come in handy. The benefits to outsourcing your talent acquisition are many, but here are four that you, as a hiring manager, or HR manager will appreciate most:
Stacks of Applications and Resumes Disappear
Hiring for an open position can be a nightmare when you simply do not have the time to go through each application and resume with a fine-toothed comb. Letting a staffing firm have the dirty work of weeding out the unqualified, underqualified, or just plain unsuitable candidates before they even make it to your office is one of the biggest benefits of outsourcing talent acquisition, but it’s hardly the only one.
Pre-Interview Tasks Eliminated (Almost)
The number of tasks associated with hiring a new candidate is mind boggling: from checking references and verifying previous employment, to gathering licenses and certificates, just determining whether a candidate is hireable can be a lengthy process. Work with a staffing firm, and you’ll eliminate most, if not all, of these tasks – moving you that much closer to a great hire, without the wait.
Only the Best Allowed
As a hiring manager, one of the most frustrating aspects of bringing new talent aboard can be a one-step-forward, two-steps-back experience – for every great hire, you end up with two underperformers. When you outsource your talent acquisition, however, that’s one more layer of protection against hiring talent that’s hardly, well… talented! Just having a few more sets of fresh eyes to look over potential hires can be a revelation.
Do-Overs Come Standard
Even if you have the time to do all the due diligence associated with hiring new talent, it’s too easy to end up with a candidate who looks great on paper but just isn’t the right fit. Using a temporary employment agency gives you the confidence to hire without the fear of being stuck with candidates who aren’t the right fit. Employees have a chance to decide whether your organization is the right fit, and you have the option to opt-out and start again should you decide the employee isn’t working out.
Isn’t it time you started outsourcing talent acquisition? Let Staffing Partner’s temporary employment experts get you on the path to simplifying talent acquisition, stat!