With all you have to do in order to fill your company’s open positions, social media may be pretty low on your list of priorities. It’s time to move it to the top. Social media is increasingly an important way for employers to reach great job candidates, and lack of a social media presence can actually hamper organizations’ ability to reach the most connected recruits.
No Social Media Presence = Invisibility
If your organization currently has no social media presence, you may as well be invisible to many of the best candidates for your open positions. As the traditional media outlets for posting jobs – newspapers, community job boards, professional organizations – disappear or move online, so do your job candidates. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Instagram may be your best candidates’ first places to search when seeking jobs, so you should be there.
Building Your Brand
If potential candidates get radio silence when searching for your organization on social media platforms, it’s a black mark against your organization’s brand. Having no social media presence can make your organization seem out of touch. The logical conclusion that follows is this: if you’re that out of touch with new technologies online, you’re probably out of touch with other relevant technologies in your field. That’s not an effective way to build your brand. Employers who harness social media have stronger brand recognition, and that’s a surefire way to attract top talent.
Instant Word-of-Mouth Advertising
It’s often said that only a small percentage of jobs are actually posted – most hiring happens from within, and from word-of-mouth. The same is true of engaging with great candidates: many of the job applications and resumes you receive reached your desk through word-of-mouth, not through your job postings. If your organization is active on social media, that word-of-mouth advertising is amplified times hundreds or even thousands. When your posts on social media reach your followers, or are shared by followers, you’re engaging with potential candidates who may never have found your organization otherwise.
Making Staffing Partners’ employment experts part of your social media team, and watch your engagement with quality candidates increase. Staffing Partners has contacts with the best temp and temp-to-hire candidates for your positions – all you need to do is give us a call!