Every HR department and manager has a dread staffing situation lurking in the back of her mind. For some it’s seasonal upticks in business that make covering all shifts a challenge. For others its cascading extended employee leaves for medical or other reasons. In some organizations, it’s merely weekends, when getting enough employees on the job can be a struggle. Whatever your worst staffing shortage nightmare, don’t let it happen without having a plan in place. Temporary employees are the perfect solution to expected or unexpected staffing shortages, but the time to get a steady stream of temps in place isn’t when the shortage happens – it’s now.
Seasonal Staffing Shortages
Nearly every industry has times of year that are busier than others. Managing seasonal staffing shortages is a piece of cake, however, when you’re prepared well in advance. Working with a staffing firm to develop a staffing strategy for the busiest times of year improves productivity and employee morale, so it’s well worth your time to study your payroll and staffing history to see when those shortages can be anticipated in the future.
Covering Extended Employee Absences
Not every staffing shortage can be anticipated well in advance, which makes having a plan in place for covering these absences even more important. Accidents, illness, or requests for Family Medical Leave time can leave departments scrambling to cover shifts. When you have a great relationship with a staffing firm, these unexpected leaves are less of a shock to the system — covering these absences, whether you know about them months or minutes in advance, is as easy as contacting your staffing firm for temporary help.
Staffing the Difficult Shifts
Holidays, vacation times, even weekends can sometimes make covering all positions seem like building a house of cards – at any moment, you’re just one card from collapse. While it’s impossible to predict just how these difficult shifts will play out at any given time, having a plan in place for when you’re severely short of staff can prevent the problems that inevitably crop up when you’re understaffed during stressful times.
Isn’t it time you put your worst staffing nightmares to rest for good? Staffing Partners’ temporary employment experts can help you create a staffing strategy that keeps your organization running at top speed no matter what staffing disaster emerges. Don’t wait until a staffing shortage happens – call us today!