Ask anyone who’s ever been out of the workforce for an extended period what the worst part of returning to work was, and you’ll hear the same answer over and over: just getting your foot in the door. A long spell of unemployment, no matter what the reason, can make you seem like a risk to employers who look for candidates with the freshest skills and contacts. That’s where temporary work comes in – it’s the best way to build the base for a whole new stage in your career.
Build Your Skills
Even if you’ve spent your time out of the workforce productively, your professional skills can take a hit. Get back in the swing of things by temping! It’s a great way to brush off skills that have become rusty and learn new skills that you didn’t even know you lacked. You’d be surprised by how quickly things can change in your field – temping provides you with the real on-the-job experience you need to adjust to current trends and new technologies that employers will expect you to be familiar with when you apply for jobs.
Build Your Network
Professional contacts from jobs past are often the secret to finding the best positions in your field. If you’ve been out of the workforce for awhile, however, it’s easy to lose track of your colleagues. Worse still, you often discover that you have no recent professional references to add to your resume. Temporary work is the perfect opportunity to meet new professionals in your field and expand your network.
Build Your Resume
So you have the degree, you have the contacts, you even have the experience — your resume looks great, right? Not if your last work experience is more than a year in the past. It’s an open secret that employers like to hire candidates who are already working in the field. Likewise, the best-kept secret in the job market is temping. Temping lets you update your resume with relevant employment experience that hiring managers require (even if they won’t say that aloud).
Don’t re-enter the job market without considering temping first! Let Staffing Partners help you find the temp and temp-to-hire jobs that are great for someone coming back to the workforce. Call us today!