Moving to a new town is exciting, but it can be a little scary, too – especially when you’re looking for a job. If you’ve never considered temping, there’s no better time than when you’ve just landed in a new job market. Temping is a great way to check out the local scene in your area before settling in with a permanent employer.
Get Your Feet Wet
Industry standards can vary wildly from employer to employer, and from region to region. Before you dive into the deep end by sending out a flurry of resumes to employers you know nothing about, get your feet wet in your new city’s job market by temping. There’s no easier way to figure out how your industry is different in a small town versus a big city (or vice versa), or to discover the best employers in your industry in your new town.
Test the Waters
There’s only so much you can learn about a potential employer from websites and social media feeds. To get the inside track on employers in your industry in a new town, you need to meet employees to see what they say. Try temping. You’ll get an opportunity to test the waters at a few different employers before you’re forced to make up your mind!
Build Your Network
One of the hardest things about applying for jobs in a new town is the lack of an established network, where you can promote yourself and prove your talents. Temping is the quickest way to build a whole new network in unfamiliar territory – you never know who you might meet on one of your temping assignments!
Find Your New Permanent Job
If you’ve never tried temping, then you might not know that many employers who use staffing agencies as a recruiting tool. There is a possibility of finding that elusive permanent job in a new town, so be sure to ask your recruiter about temp-to-hire positions in your industry.
The only thing harder than making new friends in a new town is making new industry contacts. Unless, that is, you’re savvy enough to call Staffing Partners as soon as you get to town. We’re here to help you find great temp and temp-to-hire jobs in your field, no matter where you lived before, so give us a call today!