It’s easy to assume that employers aren’t looking for cover letters if the job posting doesn’t specify, or if the job is one that calls on your physical qualifications more than your educational background. Before you hit “send” on that light industrial job application though, consider these good reasons to include a cover letter.
Become a Name, Not a Number
Anything you can do to stand out in light industrial recruiting, where competition is often fierce, is worth a shot – as long as you’re standing out in a positive way, of course! Including a cover letter is the very best way to help managers put a “face” with your name in the midst of a sea of other applicants. By giving your interviewers a window into your personality, you make a connection with them that gives you a leg up on the competition before you even get in the door. It’s one of the best ways to get light industrial hiring managers to notice you.
Fill In Holes In Your Resume
Applying for light industrial jobs can be difficult if you’re just starting out or if you’ve got holes in your job history. When employers understand a bit more about your situation and your qualifications, they are more likely to give you a shot. This is doubly true if your job history is a little thinner than it should be, either due to unemployment or other life events. Consider what life experience you’ve had that’s pertinent to the job, and use a cover letter to highlight that experience. If you’ve spent your time out of the workforce volunteering, learning new skills or temping, then a cover letter is the perfect way to highlight the constructive ways you have spent your time while you haven’t been working and impress potential employers.
Go the Extra Mile
Think light industrial employers are looking for a strong work ethic instead of pretty cover letters? Surprise – the two are far from mutually exclusive. You may be using your physical attributes more than your letter-writing skills working in a light industrial environment, but your skills will be impressive, nonetheless. Taking the time to draft a cover letter when one is not required for application shows employers you are willing to go above and beyond what’s asked of you. That’s never a mark against you!
Having a hard time breaking into the light industrial workforce? Try temping with Staffing Partners to build your skills and your resume. Our staffing experts can help place you with employers looking for just your qualifications, so don’t wait to give us a call!