Preparing For a Phone Interview as a Nurse


As employers become more and more pressed for time and resources, phone interviews are in turn becoming more common, even in the medical professions. If you’re scheduled for your first nursing interview by phone, here’s what you need to know to put your best foot forward — even if you’re the only one who can see it!

Get It in Writing

One of the best ways to prepare for a phone interview is to assemble the same information your interviewers will refer to during the interview. Your resume or CV, nursing credentials and licenses, and any other documents you were required to submit for the application process are only part of what you should have. You should also have the job advertisement, job description and a cheat sheet of important aspects of the job and information about the company at hand. Being able to refer to – and quote – these documents is one of the ways that phone interviewing has the advantage over an in-person interview. Don’t do yourself a disservice by neglecting to have them ready.

Anticipate the Obvious

Prior to the interview, think about some of common questions asked during nursing interviews. Write them down and jot down some notes on how you’ll answer them. If this is your first nursing phone interview, ask experienced nurses what questions you should expect, or go to your nursing school’s career counseling office for some advice.

Invite Them to Your Office

Consider where to do your phone interview before the day it’s scheduled. If your home is noisy, has poor cell service or you expect any interruptions, consider going to a quiet study room at your local public library instead — it’s essential you have a quiet place with no interruptions for your interview. Wherever you plan to have your interview, dress the part! Put on what you’d wear for an in-person interview; you’d be surprised how much of a difference being in professional clothes will affect your interviewing demeanor!

Having no luck getting any kind of nursing job interviews of any kind? Need more experience? It’s time you called Staffing Partners! We have temporary and temp-to-hire nursing jobs for all levels of nursing experience. Contact us today!

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