Interviewing for a job is hard work, but it can seem even harder when employers give you little to go on but the same old generic interview questions. Believe it or not, employers get tired of hearing the usual pat answers to these common questions, too. If you’re not thinking outside the box a little, you’re missing a great opportunity to really wow potential employers with uncommon responses to these humdrum questions. Here are a few generic interview questions and suggestions on how to make them work for you:
What Are Your Best Work Qualities?
This eye-roller is often your first chance to really shine in an interview. Before you interview with a potential employer, take a few minutes to think on things you’ve done really well at previous jobs, then consider why you did those things so well. Use these traits, with examples, to not just tell employers about your best qualities, but to illustrate them as well.
What Is Your Biggest Weakness?
If this question makes you cringe, you’re not alone — it’s the common interview question most likely to make an interviewee squirm. Again, if you anticipate this question before you’re put on the spot, you’ll impress employers by giving examples. Think about things you could have done better in previous jobs, and what you learned from these experiences, emphasizing what you have learned from your weaknesses. Employers will be impressed by your honesty and your willingness to learn from your mistakes.
What Challenges Did You Face In Your Previous Job?
Here’s another common question that sometimes makes even the best interviewees go cold. It’s also a great opportunity to stand out from other interviewees by presenting a challenge aside from the usual litany of understaffed-overworked-underpaid. Recall problems you ran into in previous jobs and how you solved them, including mistakes you may have made. Consider why these problems presented challenges for you, and what you could do better or differently in the future. When you answer this question, always remember to incorporate your thoughts on what you could have done better or differently, and employers will see you as proactive and thoughtful.
What Makes You Right for This Job?
When you hear this question, rejoice — you’ve just been given the chance to really sell your own special blend of talents, experience and education. The trick to really surprising employers with your answers to this one is to do your homework about the organization before you go in. Know what kind of customers or clients you can expect to serve, and what makes you the best candidate to serve them, and employers will know you’ve gone the extra mile to learn as much as you can about them, something that’s sure to pique interest.
Entering the job market can be nerve-wracking, but Staffing Partners is here to help you every step of the way. Check out our website for more information about how to put your best foot forward toward a job that’s right for you!