How to Find a Job in Portland


Whether you’re new to Portland or a long-time Portlandian who’s stuck in his job search, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or confused about how to find jobs in Portland — where to look, how to get your foot in the door with employers or how to find the best employers in the area. You could go it alone, or you could get help from the experts: Portland area job recruiters. If you’ve never worked with a job recruiter before, you don’t know what you’re missing, or how much easier you can make your job search.

Recruiters Go Where Job Seekers Cannot

One of the best-kept secrets of the job search is the fact that the best jobs are rarely made known to the average job seeker. It’s called the hidden job market, and it stays hidden because employers rely on their own connections to fill important job openings or hard-to-fill job openings. Top among these connections? Job recruiters. Employers rely on job recruiters to find the perfect candidate for the jobs they need filled quickly. So if you’re not working with job recruiters, you’re missing out on some of the best jobs in Portland.

Recruiters Take You Where Your Resume Cannot

When you’re just starting out in your career, it can be difficult to get the very experience that employers require you to have in order to be hired. How are you supposed to get that experience if you can’t get hired? When you’re an unknown quantity to employers, they can’t know all of your best qualities. But if you have a recruiter in your corner, you’ve got a stamp of approval that makes employers more willing to look past the bare facts of your resume and consider you as someone worth knowing.

Recruiters Work With Portland’s Best Employers

If you’re new to your field or the Portland area, you don’t have the inside track on which employers are great to work for, and which may not be on the up-and-up. Work with a recruiter, and have a steady stream of temporary and temp-to-hire jobs with employers who are trustworthy and great to work for. Moreover, when you work with a job recruiter, you get the kind of upfront information about an employer that helps you decide whether the employer is the best fit for you.

Recruiters Are Not All Created Equal

Working with a job recruiter is awesome, but only if you work with the right job recruiter — Staffing Partners! Our recruiting experts are eager to help you develop your job skills and your resume by placing you with great employers in the Portland area. Don’t muddle through your job search alone another day. Call us and see why Staffing Partners is Portland’s premier staffing agency!

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